Lifestyle Engagement Session with D+B

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

When Olivia and I launched A&O Studios, I knew that we would love to work with my lifelong best friend Dominique and her -at the time- boyfriend. Obviously, I love them and everything, but for reasons you’ll see in this blog, they are an ideal couple for any photographer. 

When they got engaged, I immediately thought we could do a unique and fun engagement session with them, so when Dom asked about working together, I was over the moon! Dom shared her Pinterest inspo board and said that she didn’t want a traditional engagement shoot, and I just couldn’t say yes quick enough!

Together we brainstormed locations for the session in Philadephia, PA where they just recently moved into a new home together. We decided on a rooftop location, an aesthetically perfect bar, and of course, their new neighborhood that they so adore. As we started the day, it was warm and overcast, perfect weather for outdoor photos. We began at Bok Bar rooftop terrace to take advantage of the gorgeous morning sky.

The theme of our day was a celebration of love, friendship, and just having fun together! We made sure to get some fun drinks throughout to snag these adorable “cheers” shots!

On the way up to Bok Bar, we had to take advantage of this moody wallpaper in the elevator!

Location two for the day was Louie Louie, this beautiful bar that would be worth going to just for its designer bar wall and luxe seating. The delicious drinks and food were definitely a plus! 

 When we arrived and found our ideal photo spot, there were tables and chairs scattered in my line of sight, so I moved them! As quietly as possible, I started shuffling the tables and chairs when the hostess approached me and politely asked what I was up to. I politely responded that I was taking photos of my best friends, would be done in ten minutes, and promised to move everything back. Thankfully, it was early and we were the only ones in the bar area, so she seemed content with my answer, I finished setting up, and was so happy with how these shots turned out!

Once I returned all the furniture to its original location, we did actually get a table in the restaurant so Dom and Bob could enjoy some of their favorite things together–martinis and oysters!

We made our way back to their house, taking time to grab these Abbey Road-inspired photos on their new street as The Beatles are one of their favorites!

Finally, it was time for the true star of this show to make her grand entrance. The third member of the family, Talula brought the whole day to a close with these adorable family photos on the couple’s new back porch! We popped some bubbly, cheered one last time, and closed our memorable and love-filled day. 

We can’t thank Dominique and Bob enough for letting us capture this special moment in their lives as they embark on this new adventure, building a home together and preparing for their marriage. We are so happy for them and truly honored to be a part of their remarkable love story that is really just beginning. Congratulations Dom and Bob! We love you!  

Explore the full Lifestyle Engagement Session gallery! 

Would you consider and lifestyle couple’s session like this one? Let us know what you think!